न द्वेष्टि अकुशलं कर्म कुशले न अनुषज्जते
त्यागी सत्त्व समाविष्टः मेधावी छिन्नसंशयः
न द्वेष्टि He does not hate अकुशलं disagreeable, inauspicious कर्म deed/act कुशले with reference to agreeable/auspicious (act/deed) न अनुषज्जते He does not cling, he is not attached
[And who does these things?] :
त्यागी He who has given up, abandoned सत्त्व+समाविष्टः He who is filled with goodness, truth, reality मेधावी the wise/learned man छिन्नसंशयः He who has cut away doubt/he whose doubt have been cut away
Roots and derivation:
द्वेष्टि He/she/it hates; 3rd person singular from√द्विष् to hate Parasmaipada
अनुषज्जते He/she/it clings, sticks; 3rd person singular from अनु+√सञ्ज् Atmanepada. Sandhi rules make the stem अनुषञ्ज्
मेधावी nominative singular from मेधाविन्, like त्यागी is from त्यागिन्
छिन्न passive past participle from √छिद् to cut
छिन्नसंशयः and सत्त्वसमाविष्टः are bahuvrihi compounds for the one who acts in a manner described in line 1.
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