Friday, 5 October 2012

Bhagvad Gita 18:73

A feel good verse today, which Arjuna delivers after receiving the sermon, and seeing the divine form of the Lord. It's nice when someone helps you with debilitating doubts. I like the certainty and positive resolve of this verse. Some easy to grasp grammar too. 

नष्टो मोहः स्मृतिर्लब्धा त्वत्प्रसादान्मयाच्युत
स्थितो स्मि गतसन्देहः करिष्ये म् तव
Destroyed is my delusion, my mindfulness is regained through your grace, O Krishna. I am firm, my doubts are gone. I will perform your word.

नष्टः destroyed (masc., nom., passive past participle from naś; masculine ending is because it is agreeing with मोहः  which is masc.)
मोहः  delusion (masc., nom., sing)
स्मृतिः memory, traditional wisdom, mindfulness (fem., nom., sing)
लब्धा obtained, regained (fem., nom., sing., passive past participle from labh. It ends in 'aa' because स्मृतिः is fem. Remember यष्टिः + मधुरा in the last verse of मधुराष्टकम्) 
त्वत्प्रसादात् - by your grace, as a result of your grace (tvat is how 'your' appears in a compound, and प्रसादात् is masc., ablative singular of प्रसाद which is favour, grace)
मया - by me (masc., instrumental., singular.) Notice that the 't' of प्रसादात् has become a 'n' before the 'm' of मया
अच्युत  Epithet of Krishna. It means 'he who does not fall', Unchanging One (vocative case, as Krishna is being addressed. Notice no visarga)
स्तिथः  standing firm (masc., nom., singular from the root sthā)
अस्मि I am (notice the अ disappears in sandhi, and the visarga of  स्तिथः has become an ओ)
गतसन्देहः gone doubt, dispelled ambiguity
करिष्ये - [I] will do (1st person, sing. from k ĀP ending)
तव - your (genitive, singular)
म् - (neutral., accusative., sing.)


Ananth said...

I was very happy to see the word by word translation with the grammar which turned into dissappointment when I realised it was only for one sloka. I wish it were there for entire Geeta including the Arsha Prayogaha.

Ananth said...

I was very happy to see the word by word translation with the grammar which turned into dissappointment when I realised it was only for one sloka. I wish it were there for entire Geeta including the Arsha Prayogaha.

Rohini Bakshi said...

Dear Ananth, thank you for appreciating the effort as it stands. This is a voluntary effort, a labour of love, if you will. I do as much as my household duties permit. I'll add more verses as soon as I can. Meanwhile if you look under the label Bhagvad Gita, there are many more verses that are in the archives, similarly translated. Kind regards.